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Bicycle Support by Mark

Mobile Bicycle Repairs, Sales, and Service
Professional Mechanical Support

Platinum Extended Service Plan


The Platinum Plan is a hard-core maintenance and service package designed to staunchly withstand the most demanding elements. It is an inclusive year-long plan to address the entire bike continuously. The price cuts get deeper, the services more complete. Throw in a more thorough and detailed initiation process than previous plans, a free Overhaul, and you'll have the newest bike since riding it off the showroom floor! The service is designed for the serious rider or racer with multiple bikes.

SERVICES - First Bike, First Visit

Free Assessment to document the Bike
Free Overhaul with Advanced Cleaning - a white-glove cleaning
Fastest turnaround possible

SERVICES - Current Program Bike, Additional Visits

24-Hour/Same-Day Service
Minor Repair for those small annoyances
Major Repair for the other headaches
Simple Cleaning and then some


This will last all year...will you?

DISCOUNTS - Only apply to current Program Bike

Labor - 20%
Repair Parts - 15%
Mileage - 25% (not tolls, ferries, etc.)


Consumer Assembly: Save $70
Race Assembly: Save $110
Free Overhaul for 1st bike, save $110 thereafter
Hand-Built Wheels: Save $25 for one, $45 for set
Cleaning: Basic - $30 per visit, Advanced - $60 per visit
Transfer Fee: $50

COST - $700

The Overhaul and Assessment combined cost well over $300. So that still figures out to 1 solid year of service for just about $300! That's just a handful of Tune-Ups and the inevitable repair labor...the plan almost pays for itself.

UPGRADES over Gold Plan

Includes Overhaul for the initial bike
Better cleaning
Nearly all repair labor covered
Still deeper savings


See Extended Service Plan Restrictions for a complete list.


Because this service is available to used bikes, it can be more time consuming than a new build. All parts are removed from the frame for the Overhaul. Unless the bike is less than one year old or in exceptional condition otherwise, the cable systems should be replaced, maybe the entire drivetrain, handlebar tape, some rubber, anything's the time. Nearly all labor would be covered.

(c) 2025 Bicycle Support by Mark - all rights reserved. Terms and specifications subject to change.