COST: case-by-case basis
Private and Group Instruction
Ever wonder how to clean your bike, prepare it for shipping, re-assemble it? Adjust the shifting, derailleurs, brakes? Change a cassette, chain, cable, or wrap your handlebar tape? Learn how to use the proper tool properly (wow, there's a novel concept). Maybe your club needs a refresher course on changing tubes or installing tubulars. Or a bike-handling clinic, maybe a seminar on general bike maintenance. Shifting always seems to be a concern, learn the right way to do it! One-on-one instruction with a professional mechanic is the best way to go. Reduced rates for repeat sessions...learn how your bike works so you can be better prepared the next time you visit a bike store or service it yourself. Share the cost with a group of friends. "Private" can include more than one person: your team, bike club, riding buddies, etc. You have the helm for this one. Anything to do with a bike is fair game!
COST: case-by-case basis, special purchases and prices available on items used in Private or Group Instruction!
Workshops, Demos, and Clinics
This is a wide-open category. Captain Obvious says anything on this website is fair game for a clinic. Easy pickins there. Challenge me with something involving bicycles that tantalizes normalcy. Yeah, the basic tire and tube changing clinics are always a go. To add a twist I can make it as easy as pie or force the strongest to grab a set of tire levers. Though I can stuff close to 100 wheels in my car, it is reasonable to bring up to 40 wheels or so...even a group of three or four times that size will have plenty of hands-on time. Ever learn how to fall? It takes a tough cookie and some determintation to get through one of those workshops. Think and ask. I welcome your input.
COST: case-by-case basis, special purchases and prices available on items used in Workshops!
(c) 2025 Bicycle Support by Mark - all rights reserved. Terms and specifications subject to change.